Welding and Fabrication

Welding and Fabrication

Your truck and trailer are built tough but aren’t immune to damage from the environment. From rust to dents, having access to proper welding & fabrication services means effective repair when your truck and trailer begin to deteriorate.

The development of rust on your truck and trailer is a natural part of owning any vehicle. Heavy-duty diesel vehicles typically work in environments that support the development of rust and corrosion, such as construction sites or other industrial areas, and are also exposed to other factors like salt and various chemicals while on the open road. That’s why quality welding and fabrication services are so important in the heavy-duty diesel repair industry. Being able to quickly replace any part of your vehicle affected by rust and repairing trouble spots before they can expand is a major part of being a successful heavy-duty diesel vehicle operator.

We offer aluminum and steel welding on nearly all components of any light or heavy-duty truck.

Whether we are welding a skid loader bucket, fixing a broken trailer ramp to ensure strength and reliability or performing build-up and hardfacing on an aggregate crushing plant, we have the experience and expertise to get the job done.